New York, New York--It's a Hell of a Town, for a Vegan.

The people ride in a whole in the ground . . .

Do you know that song? I love it. I grew up in a suburb of New York City and there were a phenomenal amount of television commercials advertising Broadway shows. It was a good thing. That lyric is by Leonard Bernstein for the musical On the Town.

But I digress.

I spent last week in The Big Apple at a trade show (The National Stationery Show) and before I went I was definitely more than a little concerned with how I would fare from an eating standpoint.
The Luscious Verde booth at the NSS. There's Megan, Marketing and PR Director at LVC.

Well, I'm here to tell you that it was a breeze. Shockingly easy actually. It gives me hope for America for the future. If New York is where the trends start, then we Americans are in for some exciting healthy trends in the near future. Here's what I experienced:

(1) FRESH juice and smoothie bars, like, everywhere. We happened upon Health King on 7th Avenue (between 38th and 39th) on our way from the hotel in Times Square to The Jacob Javitz Center. Green smoothies made with fresh fruit and vegetable/fruit juices made to order are their specialty. But I saw fresh juice and smoothie bars all over the place as we rode in cabs.

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