Pretty Darned Healthy Blueberry Peach Cobbler

I'm pretty sure if you are here on Healthy Girl's Kitchen you are well aware of the sugar problem we Americans have. And I for one have had a lifelong battle with sweets. I just love the way sugary foods taste, there's no denying it.

So when a few weeks ago I was confessing what a difficult time I have been having with a plant-perfect diet, and Suzanne, one of the kind readers of HGK suggested that sometimes you just have to make yourself some dessert to help yourself feel better, I was like, "Darn, that girl knows me well!" She forwarded me a blackberry peach cobbler recipe from Cathy Fisher's blog Straight Up Food, and I immediately put the recipe on my to do list--the short one.

I bought the peaches and the blackberries.

And the peaches got eaten before I could muster up the energy to make the cobbler. I gobbled down the blackberries when I started to suspect that they were going to get moldy before I ever made the recipe.

The next week, I bought $15 worth of local peaches at the Farmers' Market and hoped again that the right time would come.

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