Thanksgiving 2012 Line-up


Just the word brings a smile to my face. I love everything about this holiday. A fire in the fireplace, surrounded by loved ones and, like, the best freakin' food on the planet.

This year we will be heading on over to my in-laws house for the big event. They have hosted Thanksgiving forever, or at least as long as I have known them. Until last year when somehow I wrangled the holiday out of their grip. But this year we are back on traditional territory.

So what can a Plant-strong striving to be Vegan with a non-Vegan family do on a holiday like this? Make and bring a ton of no-oil deliciousness to the party. Wow everybody else into submission. And hope that next year we will officially say goodbye to the turkey.

The nice thing about having eaten "this way" for the past almost 3 years is that I am developing new traditions for our family. It's such a great feeling. This menu has been a few years in the development, and continues to evolve, but here's what I will be making for Thanksgiving this year. Shopping starts today!

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