Change is on the Horizon

Hey HGK readers? What is up?

I had a great Memorial Day weekend with one of my college besties and her two dancing daughters who came to visit us in Cleveland for the holiday weekend. They wanted to see me and my family, but were also in town for an Irish folk dancing competition. 

My friend and I haven't seen each other in over 13 years, but the love was still there in a big way. We're both really enthusiastic people and have a way of influencing each other's behavior. I cooked up some great no-oil Vegan food (the winner being Jane Esselstyn's Dr. Seuss Polenta Stacks from My Beef with Meat) hoping to impress my friend and her kids with how great this way of eating really is. My buddy is already texting me asking for the best brand of almond milk and I've practically got my eight year old daughter signed up for summer Irish folk dancing lessons (and we're not even Irish).

On another note, I imagine that few of you reading HGK know that I have a law degree. I've never practiced law and I didn't even take the bar exam (that's a story for another day), but I did attend and graduate from UCLA School of Law.

What does that have to do with food?

Not a lot, until yesterday.

I received the following e-mail from the dean of my Alma matter:
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