Gerald Cooper - A beekeeper - The DO Lectures

Book recommendations:
The Biology of the Honeybee
Author: Mark L Winston
Description: All you need to know about the honey bee

Honeybee Ecology

Author: Thomas D Seeley
Description: Behavioural biology

Bees of the World
Author: Christopher O'Toole and Anthony Raw
Description: A reference book for naturalists and amateurs

Guide to Bees and Honey
Author: Ted Hooper
Description: A guide to beekeeping

Bees at the Bottom of the Garden
Author: Alan Campion
Description: This book aims to take the mystique out of keeping bees

Plants and Honeybees: Their Relationship

Author: David Aston and Sally Bucknall
Description: How the European honey bee utilises the flowers and plants in the British Isles


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