My Twitterview with @backyardpoultry

1. When did you first become interested in chickens?
Response: @HappyChickens I currently have 44 chickens. I have 11 ISA Browns, 2 Rhode Island Reds, 4 Americanas, 4 White Leghorns, 2 Barred Rock, 1 Buff Orphington, 3 Light Brahmas, 3 Black Australorps, 4 Silkies, 3 Seramas, 1 Cochin, 2 Frizzles, 1 Rescued Bantam, 2 Golden Comets, 1 Naked Neck.

2. How many birds do you have?
Response: If I had to pick one, I guess it would be the good old fashioned Rhode Island Red.

3. What is your favorite breed?

Response: I just remembered that I also have a Silver Laced Wyandotte! I like the RIR because it was the first breed I ever had, and they are proven layers!

4. Why is that breed your favorite?

Reponse: I just remembered that I also have a Silver Laced Wyandotte! I like the RIR because it was the first breed I ever had, and they are proven layers!

5. How do you recommend treating lice, naturally?

Response: The best way to control mites is to keep a clean coop, and to eliminate places for them to hide! However, if your chickens have a mite problem and you want to treat it naturally I always recommend using food grade Diatomaceous Earth.

6. What is the most important thing for backyard flock owners to know?
Response: As you know there are several important things to know, but I always tell chickens owners "There will always be something that will love your chickens more than you." In other words, protect your chickens from predators!

7. Do you believe Happy Chickens Lay Healthy Eggs :)?
Response: Yes, I do believe that happy chickens will lay healthy eggs.

8. What is the one thing backyard flock owners can do to make sure their birds are happy.
Response: A consistent supply of clean water and food!

9. Where can people find you to get more information?
Response: People can listen live to my weekly radio show "Backyard Poultry with the Chicken Whisperer" every Saturday at 9:00am EST at They can also download past shows from there as well. They can visit my personal blog at or they can see my blogs at,, and

10. Lastly what have you learned about life, from your chickens?

Response: If you want something in life you have to scratch for it!


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