The Whole Foods 28-day Health Challenge Starts Now

Wow. The day is finally here. I'm excited about the challenge.  You may be wondering why this is a challenge at all for me, considering that I have been eating mostly plants (vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts and seeds, avocado, coconut) and avoiding processed foods for months on end now.

Well let me assure you that this is a challenge.  And the heart of that challenge lies in my avoiding consuming too much fat. You see, what I have found over the past few months is that one can eat ultra healthy yet easily consume too much fat, therefore taking in too many calories.  What's the result of that? Packing on the pounds of course. Eating too many calories, even ultra healthy ones, has the exact same effect on me that eating garbage does: weight gain.

Ever since I hit my "goal" weight at Weight Watchers I have been experimenting with different eating styles. Raw food and the creative recipes in that universe are particularly tasty and exciting. Cooked vegan food is surprisingly wonderful.  But I've been steadily gaining weight. There, I just said it. I've been gaining weight.  How much? Heck if I know. I'm scared to get on the scale!

Well, the drama ends today. No more coconut. Raw desserts in extremely limited amounts. Avocado, just a touch. Raw almond butter, goodbye.  Healthy water sauteing, you are my new best friend. Let's see what happens in just 28 days.

I've got to ask you something important and I'd really appreciate it if you could answer right here in the comment section of this blog posting. What would you think if I posted what I ate for the next 28 days right here on the blog? I really need the accountablility.  Would that bore you and turn you off? Would you think it was fun to cheer me on? Please let me know. You Healthy Girl readers are a shy group! So I'm asking you, no, begging you, to chime in this time! 


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