Eggs and Honey

Spent the afternoon at the hives and coop. It was the first hive opening after the queen was released. All three hives seem to be doing really well. Then again I am new to this, but in all three hives I see eggs and larvae and capped honey. That seems good, right? Hive two was pissed as we searched for the Queen, but we found her. All of the hives are taking much less of the sugar water. I think that is because they have it all figured out and are getting plenty of food themselves. I feel like I should leave them alone. I am clumsy. I put my fingers through their honey. I have alot to learn from my bees. I am sure they will teach me.

Then I went over to the coop. 13 eggs. Happy hens. Alice is totally cool. She is so chatty and confident. She makes me laugh. After about 1/2 hour a thunderstorm rolled in. The call ducks were so happy! Stomping in the puddles. Tim, the mandarin duck is very playful. I kinda want him to come home with me.

Eggs and Honey


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