Green Bags, First Trip to the Farmer's Market and a Raw Vegan Pad Thai

I had some zucchini left over from over a week ago when I was on a raw spagetti and marinara sauce kick. So I was looking for something else that I could prepare with spiralized zucchini noodles. I whipped out my handy-dandy copy of  Ani's Raw Food Kitchen and found her version of Raw Pad Thai. The key with this recipe is the fresh herbs, and I happened to be going down to the Farmer's Market at Shaker Square for the first time this season. I was so happy to be able to get all the herbs I needed there, along with the bean sprouts that the recipe called for, given that it is only May and not much is ready to pick yet in Ohio. Fresh mint, cilantro and basil combined with a yummy "peanut" sauce made out of raw almond butter, lime juice, dates and other stuff. Yummy Asian goodness is what this is!

If you are at all wondering about the leftover zucchini from over a week ago, let me be the first to tell you that those "green bags" work. You know, the bags that are sold on a tv infomercial . I got them at Target and I know they are selling them at Bed, Bath & Beyond. Plus, Ziploc has now come out with their own version of them, but they are not nearly as green in color so I don't know if they work as well. These green bags have been a real help to me with all of the fresh produce that I have been handling over the past year. The stress of having to use up all of my fresh vegetables in a few short days is gone. Whew. Stuff lasts for at least a week, and most stuff is lasting two weeks in a green bag.


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