Guest Blog Post from - FRESH, the movie!

We here in the FRESH office have the fortunate opportunity to work with thousands of exciting, innovative, and inspiring people all across the country. We learn the ins and outs of community supported kitchens (and their very special "feasts"!) We get calls from farmers living in the most unheard of and stunningly beautiful places. We've strategized with the likes of Tracy Singleton of Birchwood Cafe in Minneapolis, Ari Drefel of Gather in Berkeley, and Ben Meyer of Ned Ludd in Portland. We helped organize a canning workshop with the famous Classie Parker of NYC's Just Food. Let's admit it, people, we have cool jobs.

But, nothing I tell you, has ever had us clucking like a flock of hens around this office like the upcoming FRESH kick-off event in Boston, happening on Tuesday, June 1st.

“FRESH Perspectives on Local Food: An Evening Celebrating Youth Growers” is the event to kick off all events. This exceptional evening highlights a most uncommon line-up: local growers who have not a single wrinkle from the sun, but tons of green ideas...we all know the problem right? Most people don't want to farm and everyone wants to eat. Well, these youth growers (we're talking honey-making, chicken-raising, vegetable-planting urban farmers) have got some ideas and a lot of gut. They're out there doing what most of us wish we could do more - putting dinner on the table!

If you haven't seen the film FRESH, get ready for a shot in the arm. Depressed about the food system? Yeah, we know. FRESH has gone beyond the bemoaning, and gets the conversation going about what fresh ideas and actions are happening all around us and how we can take part - how you can take part!

So, I assume we'll see you at the FRESH Kick-Off Event on June 1st? (Orren's humble, so I must be the one to say it. He's going to be there and he'd love for you to be there, too.)

The event is sponsored by the loveliest of locals: Taza Chocolate, Chive Events, Suffolk University Committee on Sustainability, and Harvest Co-op.

You'll have the chance to see the film PLANTING FOR PEACE, as well as hear from an amazing and select group of young people working on good food issues.

Tickets are $12 and include a free voucher to see FRESH at the Brattle Theatre June 18-23. Buy tickets here.

the FRESH team - Allison Radecki, Lisa Madison, Jamie Yuenger


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