Day 7 and Part II: Does Eating Fat Make You Fat and Other Eternal Life Questions

I do not believe that eating fat, per se, makes a person overweight. Just as I do not believe that eating any particular nutrient or type of food causes obesity. I'm guessing that it is the over consumption of any food that is the problem.

But there is a deeper issue here to explore, and that issue is what is the ultimate goal? Thinness for thinness sake? Does that sound shallow?  I think we need to ask ourselves two questions. First, are we trying to be thin or are we trying to be healthy? And second, why is being healthy so important?

Everyone needs to answer these questions for themselves. For me, the answers right now are this: I need to have as much energy as I can to get me through each day. I know that I can be thin, but this does not equal energetic. I also know that I want to remain as healthy as I have control over for as long as I can. I do not want to be gunking up my arteries. I want to give cancer as little a breeding ground as I can. And I'm vain too. I want to look good and wear cute stylish clothes. I want to be the strongest, most flexible yogi that I can be.

I want to challenge myself on every level, including the spiritual.  This requires a healthy body, not a thin body.  A number on a scale does not measure my health.  The way that I feel every day lets me know if I am healthy, and I need to keep reminding myself of that.

So that leaves the ultimate question.  What I am doing with this healthy body? Am I serving society, my family and myself to my best ability?  It's a hard question to answer.

coffee with soy creamer
smoothie with frozen banana, frozen spinach, dates, water, ice cubes and peppermint extract

shredded cabbage salad with craisins and crunchy noodles. carrots, cucumber, tomatoes.
whole wheat crackers with curried cashew spread

sweet potato and red onion salad

Veggie burger on whole grain bun (it was the best I could do given the restaurant circumstances) with lettuce, tomato corn salsa and b-b-q sauce
baked potato with b-b-q sauce


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