From my friend Clare Crespo -


Photo credit: Photo by Eric Staudenmaier from "The Secret Life of Food" by Clare Crespo

Vegetable oil 

3 cups mini marshmallows 
3 Tablespoons butter (plus 1 teaspoon for your hands) 
4 cups chow mein noodles 
12 yogurt-covered almonds or jelly beans

1. Line a cookie sheet with tin foil. Coat well with vegetable oil. In a saucepan, melt the marshmallows and butter together over medium-low heat. Stir until smooth. Pour marshmallow mixture over noodles in a large mixing bowl, and stir until well coated. Rub butter on your clean hands and form balls out of the noodle mixture. Place on sheet. With the back of a spoon, press the center of each ball to make an indentation. Fill nests with yogurt-covered almonds or jellybeans.


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