I am an Organized Kitchen Geek

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No one would ever describe me as a woman of few words, but this does not need explanation:

Spices. Lots of them.

I got rid of the vast majority of my cookbooks over the past two years and purchased a nice number of new ones. I find that so few cookbooks actually jive with the way that I want to eat and many of the recipes that I test come from blogs and other Internet sources. Hence this:
My personal recipe files, organized neatly by category into plastic binders.
When I print a recipe from the Internet, I slip it into a plastic page protector (I told you I was a geek). Recipes get filed into the notebooks by type and when I use a recipe, it is kept nice and clean throughout the cooking process. I can also slip the paper out of the sleeve and takes notes on the recipe, because I am usually changing one thing or another. Every six months or so I go through the files and ditch the recipes that I tried and didn't love or the ones that I never made and am pretty sure I never will. It's a pretty rockin' system.

How do you keep track of your recipes?


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