Fagiole Pita Pizzas and Beck, Day 1 and 2, Review

Good Morning everyone! Today I am fortunate enough to present you with a guest post and recipe from an HGK reader, Mandy from Atlanta. She so generously took the time out of her busy schedule to e-mail us one of her favorite recipes complete with photos. I can't tell you how much I am looking forward to giving Mandy's recipe a go!

Hi Wendy!

I first found your blog in November and I have followed you ever since! I have been so inspired. I love your post today... how cool you have so many people (including me!) wanting to follow the Beck Diet. I ordered it today. I am hoping to encourage you and what you are doing at HGK. I try lots of your recipes and love them. I have followed your advice and get the Peer Trainer emails. Those have really helped, too.

I have never been one to enjoy being in the kitchen, but things are slowly changing for me, thanks to you and excitement you have in the kitchen. I have reached a new low weight (since my 7th grade year!) thanks to you and your site.

I created these Pita Pizzas based on how much you, E2 and Peer Trainer love beans. I love Italian food and sometimes want a change from getting my beans in Mexican dishes (that I DO love, too.) I have been eating these pizzas all summer. I have felt full and have still lost weight.... that is a victory! My kids have been eating them all summer, too! I do top theirs with a tad of the Dayia Mozzarella. I do not eat mine with the Daiya to cut out the oil and fat.

They are so, so easy and that is a must for me if I'm going to make something often--I make these 2-3 times a week... and they are so cheap to make. I don't know about you, but our food bill can rack up like crazy! You are the best at tweaking recipes so I thought you could make these even better! I've attached pictures, too.

Mandy's Fagiole Pita Pizzas

Printable Recipes
Whole Wheat Pitas (however many pizzas you want to make)
Your favorite No-Oil Spaghetti Sauce
1 15 oz can Pinto Beans (rinsed and drained), 1 can tops 2-3 pizzas
Chopped Red Onion
Garlic Powder
Onion Powder
Italian Seasoning
Nutritional Yeast
Daiya Mozzarella Cheese Shreds (optional)

• Preheat oven to 425
• Lightly spray baking sheet with cooking spray
• Top the pita with spaghetti sauce*
• Add a layer of beans
• Add chopped red onion
• Generously sprinkle with garlic salt, Italian seasoning and onion powder.
• Bake for 12-16 minutes... until outside of pita is crisp and beans are toasted
• Top with nutritional yeast.**

 * I use generous amounts of every single ingredient in the recipe.
**If using the Daiya shreds, sprinkle on top of the seasonings and skip the nutritional yeast. Cook for 12-14 minutes and then broil for an additional 2 minutes until cheese gets melted. I always have to watch it like a hawk or I burn it.

Thank you ever so much Mandy! I think your Fagiole Pizzas are going to be dinner tonight at my house! I happen to have a lot of whole wheat tortillas hanging around, so I'll use those as the crust. And I could see doing fun variations like a Mexican themed one with salsa (even salsa verde-my personal fav!) as the sauce, black beans and cilantro. The sky is really the limit with this idea.

Beck, Day 1 and 2 Review
A huge thank you to everyone who posted their advantages and plans in the comments sections here and here. It is SO not too late to join us on this journey.

I am going to respond to some questions/thoughts I'm having about Day 1 and 2.

Twenty advantages is not too many! In fact, I highly recommend reading the comments to Day 1 and refining your list as you find advantages that maybe you hadn't thought of (can everyone say "back fat"?). I know that I read some advantages that I was blown away by and will be adding to my list. The more detailed, visual and real your list is, I think, the better.


Did you set up a reminder system? What is it? Please leave a comment here letting us know that you did and elaborating on your reminder system.

I need to reread Eat to Live. I say that it is my plan but do I really know all the ins and outs of it? I'm thinking that I don't because of all of the allowances I have been making over the past many months. I know this makes my mother crazy. She likes to see me making allowances so that she doesn't have to worry about something, I'm not sure what. It drove her up the wall when I was fat! I want to get back into the head space when I was uber healthy and pumped up about following the plan. It felt really great to be in that head space. I had energy to spare.

Have a great day folks!


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