Fastiest, Easiest, Tastiest Vegan Dinner Ever!

Oh my gosh! I have to shout out a HUGE thank you to my friend (and HGK contributor) Liz for inspiring me to make Isa Chandra Moskowitz's recipe for Buffalo Tempeh Wraps from her cookbook Appetite for Reduction.

For those of you not familiar with this author/cookbook, Ms. Moskowitz is a vegan cookbook author who admittedly gained weight testing and tasting all of her amazing vegan recipes. Lots of people think that because a food is "vegan" that it is healthy and even low in calories. But if you are here reading Healthy Girl's Kitchen, I'm guessing you have discovered that it's simply not true. Anyway, Ms. Moskowitz figured it out after authoring many successful vegan cookbooks, and gaining a lot of weight, and then decided to create a cookbook of low calorie, plant-strong, vegan recipes.

And. It. Rocks.

Like, a best ever cookbook.

So when my buddy Liz mentioned that she and her husband Chris were really loving the Buffalo Tempeh Wraps, I figured it wasn't going to be long before I gave them a try. It took me a day.

Do you like the taste of that hot sauce on spicy chicken wings? I've never been a wing eater, but I did once have that hot sauce in a shredded chicken dish and I have never forgotten how much I enjoyed the taste of the sauce. But to say that I've had no opportunity to enjoy that hot sauce on a plant-strong diet would be an understatement.

Until now.

Holy sh . . . cow!

Here's what you will need:
1. The recipe for Isa's Buffalo Tempeh. Liz told me to crumble up the tempeh after steaming it instead of cutting it into triangles like Isa's recipe recommended. The crumbles worked out beautifully. I just simmered the crumbles in the marinade for about 10 minutes.
2. The recipe for Isa's Cool Slaw. A winner all by itself. You will definitely want this recipe for any time you want to replicate a traditional coleslaw. It's amazing. I had to add more cashews to the dressing because when I blended it in my food processor it seemed thin. It was easy to fix by adding more cashews and blending again.
3. Big whole wheat wraps. I used whole wheat lavash.

The rest is history.
This guy loved it. Maybe you should give it a try.

Do you own a copy of Appetite for Reduction? What's your favorite recipe in the book?


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