Food P0&N

I'm on a high from last night. You see, I took my own advice, from my Plant-strong Success Tip #3 and I surrounded myself with like minded people. It took a few months of pretty passive planning, a few hours of setting up, and then I hosted what I hope to be the first of many Plant-strong Pot Lucks at my house.
A big thank you to Lisa Millard for the flower arrangements. Everyone should be so lucky to have a neighbor and friend as giving as Lisa. She couldn't even attend the party but still made us the most beautiful arrangements.

One of the best nights. Ever. Seriously.

There were people that I am very close with in my day to day life, people that I am just beginning to get to know, and folks whom I had never met before last night. Just the way I like it.
See this guy Howie? Never met him before in my life. And there he is in my dining room. Enjoying the best food life has to offer, in every way possible. Awesome.

Everyone agreed. It was a food orgy. One extraordinary oil free vegan delight after the next.

 It would be hard  to call a winner, but I have to say, I dreamed about Jane Esselstyn's Dr. Seuss Stacks last night. Okay, that was a lie, but you know what I mean!
I'll be back soon with detailed photos, descriptions and links to recipes from the party.

Have a great weekend friends!


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