Happy Chicken Egg Cupcakes from Clare!


Photo credit: Photo by Eric Staudenmaier for "Hey There, Cupcake!" by Clare Crespo

Serve these with coffee and orange juice for an extra-special birthday breakfast.  

1 recipe batter for White Cupcakes (use eggs from Happy Chickens!)
1 recipe white frosting
20 organic canned apricot halves, drained

Line cupcake tins with paper liners. Fill the liners a little more than 3/4 full with the batter and bake the cupcakes as directed in the recipe. Frost the cupcakes. You can be sort of messy about this, because if you have curvy edges instead of perfect circles, the cupcakes will look more like eggs. Place an
apricot half on each cupcake to make the "yolk." Continue with the remaining cupcakes.


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