Eligibility Guidelines and Requirements

We are often asked how we are able to provide such wonderful services to our community members at low or no cost.  The other part of the question is what are the eligibility requirements to utilize the screenings?  We are fortunate to have our screenings provided for you through the Washington Breast Cervical and Colon Health Program (BCCHP).  Remember the key is early detection!

Eligibility: Women ages 40 and over who have no health insurance, and whose household income is at, or below 250%, of the Federal Poverty Level Guidelines (FPLG), are eligible for free breast and cervical cancer screening, and diagnostic services. For mammogram screening only, the income is at, or below 300% FPLG.

Eligibility Third Party Coverage: Age- and income-eligible women having insurance that covers the procedures either in part, or having not met their deductible of over $500.00, may get their screening and diagnostic services through this program.

Ineligibility Third Party Coverage: Medicaid and Medicare Part B covers the same screening and diagnostic services as BCCHP. Women with Medicaid as their primary health coverage are not eligible. A woman's Medicaid coverage for her dependents has no bearing on her eligibility. Women without Medicare Part B may be eligible for the program.


For more information visit the Washington State Health Department website at:

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Department of Health A-Z Topic List

If you have any questions about your eligibility, please give us a call and we will answer your concerns.  (206) 436-8671.


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