from my friend @helpsavebees blog -

"I recently found, discovered or was sent the above photos. They are just such extravagant examples of 'Bug Houses' at their grandest. They have also inspired me to create my own ‘Bee & Bug Tower’, which I’ll feature later on this week.

One of the easiest things one can do to help Bees, Bugs and other Insects to thrive is to create an environment that they will want to visit, whether you have a garden an allotment patch or bigger: Plants are crucial to their survival. See some fabulous Bee friendly plants here:

Once you have managed to attract them to your garden, they will need somewhere to live. You can encourage them to stay be creating ‘mini habitat homes’ using various plant materials, recycled pots, wooden creates, blocks of wood, logs, stem from plants you have pruned, old bamboos, etc…

Of course, they don’t have to be on this scale to still attract all types of bee, bug or insect."



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