Amazing E-Book from PeerTrainer

Those of you who have been reading my blog from the beginning know what a huge fan I am of the website If you are new to these parts, let me fill you in on an amazing free community that exists on the Internet. It's called PeerTrainer and without the beautiful souls over there, I would NEVER have had a chance at recovery from food addiction, nor would I have lost the weight and had a fighting chance at keeping it off for good this time. So, I owe them my life.

A few days ago I received my daily dose of e-mail magic from PeerTrainer (it's called their Tip if the Day and if you don't already receive it in your inbox, can I suggest that you click here? Once there, a window will pop us and ask you if you want to join. Just Do It!). In that e-mail was a link to an e-book called The Magic Fridge written by Jackie Wicks, the owner of the website, and in the book she details out what works for her and how she does it--ie what she eats, what she keeps in her refrigerator, lots of recipes, and how she does all of this without any outside help. It was such a fun read, but you've got to be a part of the website to receive the book. It's just one of the many amazing PeerTrainer resources that will completely change your relationship with food.


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