Vacation Kale and Bean Saute

Just a reminder, don't forget to participate in my first ever blog contest and enter to win a copy of the newly revised Eat to Live by Dr. Joel Fuhrman! Winner will be picked at random on January 1st.

Are any of you wondering why I've been so quiet lately? Probably not, but I'll tell you anyway. I'm travelling with my family, escaping the cold of frigid Cleveland, if only for a short time. We're lucky enough to stay in a condo on the beach in Southwest Florida, where I have my very own kitchen. And that makes this healthy girl a very happy girl! I've been cooking up this amazing recipe for greens from the Dr. Fuhrman Member Site.  Here's my variation on this winner:

Kale and Bean Saute
Inspired by a recipe on
Serves: 4

2 bunches kale, tough stems and center ribs removed, chopped or 1 large bag of prewashed/cut kale
1/2 cup sun-dried tomatoes soaked in hot water for 30 minutes, drained and chopped
1 medium onion, finely chopped
1 cup shiitake mushrooms, coarsely chopped
3 cloves garlic, pressed
vegetable broth, as needed
1 15 ounce can beans, any type, rinsed and drained
1 1/2 tablespoons fruity vinegar
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
red pepper flakes, to taste
1/4 cup raw sunflower seeds or any type nuts (chopped if the nuts are large)
dash of salt

In a large skillet over medium heat, add vegetable broth to just cover the bottom of the pan. Broth sauté the onions and garlic until onions are translucent. Do not let onions burn. Add mushrooms and cook for 5 minutes, stirring frequently.  Add kale and re hydrated tomatoes and cook, tossing with the onion and mushrooms, over medium heat , adding broth only as needed, until kale is soft.

Add the beans, vinegar, mustard and red pepper flakes (be careful!), then cook for 3 more minutes. Taste and season with only a dash of salt.

I know from a lot of people that the holidays are an easting disaster.They resolve themselves to eating food that they don't feel good about mentally or physically and commit to eating healthy again as soon as January 1st rolls around. Why don't I just do the same? I'm here on vacation, why not go on a healthy eating vacation? Because something in me has changed. Maybe it was the reading and rereading of Eat to Live. Maybe it's the way that a green smoothie makes me feel. The "old" food just holds no appeal for me now. Brainwashed for the better I guess.

What have you been cooking up this holiday week? Are you sticking to your plans or falling prey to the holiday offerings?


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