Plant-strong Pride Giveaway and Beck: Day 10-Set a Realistic Goal

Time for another exciting blogger giveaway! I'm giving away two Plant-strong pride bracelets to two lucky winners, chosen by a random number picker.

I wear my bracelet every day. It's great positive reinforcement and also an interesting conversation starter!

Here's what you have to do to enter:

Leave a comment to this post answering the following questions:

(1) Do you want a Plant-strong bracelet? Why?

(2) If you don't win one in this give-away and you have the opportunity to purchase one, would you?

(3) See below for final question.

Enjoy and good luck! Contest ends Monday, August 22, 2011 at 10 am EST. Winners will be announced shortly after contest ends.

On another note, we are on Day 10 of The Beck Diet Solution. Our task for today? Set a realistic goal.

Wow, have I lost sight of that doozey! I have been playing head games with myself again. If I eat this way then I will lose this much weight by such and such a time . . .

Sound familiar?

Well, thank the universe for Beck! I am happily brought back down to earth and reminded that those thoughts are not going to help the situation, and that I would do much better just to work in increments of 5 pounds.

So what's my goal? Lose 5 pounds. Not only that, but give it a realistic and HEALTHY time frame. Like 1 pound per week. Even 1/2 a pound per week is healthy. If you can make lasting changes that allow your body to drop 1/2 a pound per week, then it really doesn't matter how long it takes you to lose "the weight." All that really matters, when it comes down to it, are that the changes are real and lasting.

Works for me!

And now for the final giveaway question:
(3) Do you have a weight loss goal? Or are you at your happy weight?


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