And the Winners Are

Congratulations to our two winners of Plant-strong Pride bracelets! Anonymous and Anonymous. (It really and truly is random.)

Comment #31
Anonymous said...

I would love a plant strong bracelet and would wear it proudly!
I was going to ask you where I could buy one and would certainly purchase one or more if they were available. I need to lose approx. 50 lbs and would love to have a bracelet for a reminder of my commitment.

Comment #64
Anonymous said...

I would love to wear one, to inspire me to keep going when I run and remember how I fuel my body.
I would purchase one, if given the chance.
I am at a healthy weight, but want to keep my body strong and fit with fabulous veggies and healthy food!

You winning commenters know who you are! Please contact me with your name and shipping information at

Oh, and thanks for entering my Plant-strong Pride bracelet giveaway!


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