Big Exciting Guest and a Blogging Break

Okay, I haven't mentioned this yet to you, my dear readers, but I am going on a big trip out of the country. I leave on Sunday and I will be returning on November 2nd. I'm really, truly excited as I feel like I need a change of scenery and a break right now from all of the responsibilities of my life, and this trip is the opportunity to get just that. I can't wait.

That news is probably not that exciting for you.

That's why I've got some other news.

Chef Aj is coming to town. Cleveland, that is.

And she's staying at my house. And you can meet her, and me, if you want to. There's a rumor that some other major big wigs in the plant-based diet world will be there too. So this could get pretty awesome.

I'll be hosting a Plant-strong pot luck the evening of November 8th. If you want to be included in the guest list, just leave a comment below letting us know that you want the details of the event.

It will be so much fun.

Have a great few weeks while I'm gone.

Stay strong.



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