Help! Comments Section Horrors and Chris-anna's Lemony Garlic Wheat Berry Salad with Split Yellow Peas

So a few days ago I changed the comment system on HGK to a system that would allow me to make comments back directly to each individual comment that is left on HGK. This was not an option with the existing comments section of the blog platform that I use (Blogger).

But because I have imported a system that isn't 100% functional with Blogger, I am beginning to wonder if the benefits of the new system outweigh the costs. Specifically, I'm nervous that many of you no longer "see" the comments at the bottom of each post.

If you click on the title of this blog post and the url that you are on is no longer the url for my homepage, but rather the specific URL for this individual post, you should be able to see the comments.

What a mess.

I need your help.

I cannot see what you see.

Please let me know what you see. Do you see a comments section at the bottom of this post?

No? Try clicking on the title of this post.

Still not? Press your refresh button.

Is this a pain in the neck?

Maybe I should go back to my old comment system.

I need your advice. If you can't leave it as a comment, please e-mail me at

Why am I making such a big deal of this? Because blogging is no fun, no fun at all, without you and your thoughts and reactions to what I am thinking and saying. Without you, urging me to keep going and helping me to steer this ship.

As a reward, I present you with this highly unusual and very delicious grain salad. It's chewy and yummy and would be great served over a bed of raw spinach or baby greens for a complete meal.

This dish develops flavor over time and can be made a day or two ahead of time. It is moist and reheats well.

Chris-anna's Lemony Garlic Wheat Berries with Yellow Split Peas
Makes 8 servings
1 ½ cups wheat berries
4 ½ cups water
¾ cup yellow split peas
3 cups water
1 bunch asparagus
2 cups pea pods, julienned
4-6 green onion, thinly sliced white and light green parts
3 T. sunflower seeds
¼ cup almond butter
¼ cup lemon juice
zest of one lemon
1 garlic clove, finely minced
¼ cup hot water
salt and pepper to taste (or not)
Wash and drain wheat berries and soak overnight.

In a medium pot bring wheat berries and 4 ½ cups water to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer 60 minutes. Fluff with fork. Wheat berries should be chewy and starting to split open.
In another saucepan, add yellow split peas to 3 cups boiling water. Reduce heat and simmer 30 minutes. Drain.

Break asparagus in the middle of stalk and cut 1-1 ½ inch angled pieces from the top portion. Lightly blanch asparagus and julienne pea pods until bright green, but still crunchy or steam until the same.
Mix, lemon zest, lemon juice, minced garlic, almond butter and hot water. When this is creamy and blended, mix with wheat berries, split peas, asparagus, pea pods, green onion and sunflower seeds.
Serve warm or at room temperature.

Thoughts on the new comments section?

If you are struggling with your food choices today, I highly recommend reading this blog posting and all of the comments that follow it.


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