Reader Advice Day: When Carnivores are Coming for a Visit

I received the following e-mail this morning. I've spent a lot of the day trying to figure out how I would cope in the following social situation. I'd like to say that I have all of the answers, but I don't. This is a very complicated issue. Please take the time to read this letter and, after careful consideration, share how you would handle this:

Dear Wendy,

I desperately need your help and perhaps you've written on this issue. Can you direct me to one of your blogs or give some advice?

My husband's cousin and her husband are coming for a two week visit. She's my husband's only living relative so we are trying to be kind. She and her husband are trying to determine if they want to move here.

We have explained in detail that we follow a plant based diet and that our doctors tell us not to bring into the house foods that are tempting. I have sent her links to your website, Fuhrman, Happy Healthy Long Life and McDougall for recipes. She picked out some recipes and I am experimenting. At her request, I sent her the list of foods that we regularly enjoy:

baked potatoes with grilled onions and mushrooms or salsa and guacamole + a salad
rice pasta with marinara sauce
spinach salad with boiled potatoes
regular salad with sweet potatoes on the side
grilled portabella mushrooms on sprouted grain rolls
roasted winter vegetables or "rockin' potatoes" with salad
bean soup and salad
Veggie burgers
Morrocan stew with quinoa
Smokey Chipoltle Chili

Then, she responded with: "Could we do pancakes, quiches and eggs and low fat sausages" and on and on...things we do not want to eat. I responded we don't eat those foods. However, we like those foods and they are tempting.

Now, as her visit is two weeks away she has written the following:

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