Winner of Whole. Healthy Vegan Travelling Tips. Fourth of July.

I've been quiet on the blog lately, but I do want to talk about a few things with you and hopefully get your input. Life has finally settled down a bit after six weeks of guests in our home and then a road trip, so I am starting to have some fun in my kitchen again! Just this past weekend I whipped up Cathy Fisher's Zucchini Bread (I made it in muffin pans and left out the walnuts and it was AMAZING), "cookies" made with just bananas, oats and applesauce (thanks Sharon McRae) and Beet Tartare!

But the first thing I really want to discuss with everybody is maintaining a Plant-stong, even Nutritarian diet, while travelling. 

Two weekends ago my husband and I and our two youngest kids took a road trip to Washington D.C. and the Baltimore area for a family wedding. To be totally frank, I have found travelling while trying to maintain a healthy diet to be difficult and somewhat stressful, but not totally impossible. Like anything in life, you get out of it what you put into it, so with effort you can stay Plant-strong on the road. But it does take effort.

I really enjoy treating myself to more indulgent Vegan food
when I am on the road, which is not very often.
The Great Sage Lentil and Quinoa burger was made uber delicious by the addition of
avocado, some fried thingies and a secret sauce.

And that's what I was really reminded of this past weekend: that healthy eating takes effort, whether you are travelling or not. Fast, easy, tasty, calorie dense, salty, fatty and sugary food is EVERYWHERE you turn. I am never aware of that more than when I am out of my home environment. It is way to easy for all of us to make poor choices when it comes to food, because doing the right thing is doing the hard thing.

But there are strategies for success on the road. I'll share mine if you share yours.
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