Reader Advice Day: Aspiring Nutritarian Doesn't Like to Spend Time in the Kitchen

It's time again for another installment of my favorite type of blog posting: Reader Advice Day.

I think we can all benefit from the answers to this reader's concern:

"Hi! Thanks for all your work . . . I have a couple of questions for you. First, Can you tell me where to find the cookie recipe you mentioned today? Secondly, I'm not a person who likes to spend a lot of time in the kitchen naturally. I'm having trouble coming up with a menu for my family that my kids and hubbie will eat. Hubbie has just agreed to try Eat to Live as I'm starting out but he can be a tough sell. My kids are 22 months and 4. Baby girl will eat almost anything but my son has become a picky eater of late. Help! Any suggestions?

Thanks for any help you can provide."

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