Our new greenhouse at school

Before the independent school Glen Urquhart opened in 1977, the Beverly Farms land on which it was built was part of an orchid farm called Orchidvale.

A 7,000-square-foot greenhouse stood on the farm. Unused for many years, it has now been cleaned out, renovated, and upgraded.

The kindergarten through Grade 8 school has plans to use the greenhouse to enhance the school's environmental science program through the study of growing plants and experimenting with aquaculture. The facility also will allow the school to expand its collaboration with The Food Project.

Started in 1991, The Food Project has become a national model for engaging young people in personal and social change through sustainable agriculture.

For several years, Glen Urquhart's middle school students have participated in The Food Project's community-supported agriculture program, growing vegetables at Long Hill Farm in Beverly. The food is distributed through farmers' markets and hunger relief organizations across the region.



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