Work Pot Luck Strategies and Engine 2 Orange Hummus Dressing

It's been way too long since I've blogged and I'm truly not happy about it, but sometimes life gets in the way!  Today at work we are having a company wide pot luck, and in order to feel good about myself afterwards, I've got a few strategies.

Strategy No. 1: Bring a huge green salad with a light dressing. When it's time to eat, fill my plate up with said salad and go to town on it, FIRST. That way, whatever else I choose to eat, I won't be nearly as tempted to overeat on.

So for today's Luscious Verde Pot Luck, which happens to be in conjunction with Jersey Shore Dress Up Day (yes, we are really having a Jersey Shore Dress Up Day), I chose to go with more of a Mexican inspired salad rather than an Italian inspired on. For those of you from New Jersey, you know exactly what I am talking about.

I mixed together a ton of romaine lettuce, spring salad mix, black beans, corn, raw pepitas, craisins, and chopped tomatoes. When it's time to eat, I'll add the diced avocado and Orange Hummus Dressing.

Engine 2 Inspired Orange Hummus Dressing
It's not the exact recipe out of The Engine 2 Diet Book, but I think it's better!

3 Tbsp plain Hummus
2 Tbsp balsamic vinegar
3 Tbsp orange juice
1 tsp mustard
1/2 tsp fresh ginger, grated on a microplane
1 tsp agave syrup

Whisk the ingredients together in a bowl.

Just a reminder, you can keep fresh ginger (in a ziploc baggie) and orange juice concentrate (just spoon out what you need and reseal the container) in your freezer at all times, which I do. And hummus, agave syrup, balsamic vinegar and mustard are all staples in any Healthy Girl's kitchen. That makes this dressing a snap to throw together without having to stress about making a trip to the grocery store.

Strategy No. 2: Whatever else I eat at the potluck, it's gonna be vegan and it's gonna be in reasonable portions. Luckily, there are a few other "almost" vegans like me at work, so I won't be at all deprived.

Strategy No. 3: Remember, it's about the fun, not the food. This can be a really hard thing to do for a food addict, but it's so important to be present to enjoying the company of the people around you.  Food should be secondary, at best.


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