Chickpea Zucchini Piccata

Thanks to my friend Liz, who has been an avid reader, commenter and general inspiration here on HGK since the beginning. Last week she mentioned to me that she and her husband were really enjoying the Chickpea Picatta recipe from Appetite for Reduction. So when it came time for me to focus (have you noticed how unfocused I have been lately? Three sick kids and a kitchen renovation project will sure take your mind off of cooking!) on testing a new recipe, it was the first thing that came to mind. I love lemons and capers, so thanks Liz, for another great suggestion! 

Served over arugula, as Ms. Moskowitz recommended, it was sooooo lemony and divine! For my 11 year old, I plated it up with some brown rice. Ms. Moskowitz also suggests mashed potatoes, but I didn't have the wherewith all for that tonight. The only thing I would do differently when I make this again is to add even more vegetables--perhaps an 8 ounce package of sliced mushrooms added at the same time that I add the chopped zucchini . . .

Chickpea Zucchini Piccata
serves 8
based on a recipe from Isa Moskowitz's Appetite for Reduction

2 cups thinly sliced Shallots
12 Garlic Cloves, diced
4 tbsp Bread Crumbs
4 cups Vegetable Broth (low Sodium)
2/3 cup Sherry Cooking Wine
Black Pepper
3 medium green zucchini, chopped medium
3 16 oz cans Garbanzo Beans-rinsed and drained
1/2 cup Capers
6 tbsp Lemon Juice, Freshly Squeezed
8 cups Arugula, Raw

Preheat a large heavy bottomed pan over medium. Pour in a few Tbsp of the veggie broth to just cover the bottom of the pan. As soon as the broth is bubbling, add the shallots and garlic. Saute the shallots and garlic for about 5 minutes, until golden, adding a bit more broth if the mixture gets too dry. Add the breadcrumbs and toast them by stirring constantly for about 2 minutes. They should turn a few shades darker.

Add the rest of the vegetable broth and wine, salt, black pepper and thyme. Turn up heat and bring to a rolling boil and let the sauce reduce by 1/2, it should take about 7 minutes.

Add chopped zucchini and cook until zucchini just starts to turn from white to translucent. Add the chickpeas and capers to heat through, about 3 minutes. Add the lemon and turn off the heat. Taste and add salt if desired.

If serving with mashed potatoes or cooked brown rice, place the arugula in a wide bowl. Place mashed potatoes on top, and ladle picatta over the potatoes. The arugula will wilt and it will be lovely. If you are serving solo, just pour right over the arugula.

What have you been busy with lately? I'm not kidding, I would love to hear about it!!!


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