Gary Taubes, Mark Bittman and The New York Times Really Have a lot to Teach Us About Food

Just a few diddies to keep your healthy eating inspiration level high . . .

For those of you who haven't caught wind on the stir that The New York Times is causing about sugar, you can catch up by reading Is Sugar Toxic? by Gary Taubes. I don't know where your head is at, but I am trying very hard to keep my sugar consumption as low as possible these days and reading articles like this one make it a lot easier for me to turn down the sweet stuff.

A few days ago I was just kicking back and I decided to see what I could find to watch on TED that might be interesting. This lecture that I found by Mark Bittman, the extraordinary food writer, also from The New York Times, moved me. There were tears in my eyes. I hope you will take the time to watch. The future depends on it.

Did you watch the video? Please chime in if you did! What emotions did you experience while watching this?


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