Healthy Girl is Getting a New Kitchen

Yes, folks, that is my big news. After twenty years of dreaming, hoping, praying and well, working very hard, we are taking the plunge and renovating our kitchen. Actually a guy named Dan Dureiko is renovating our kitchen and he's standing here right now, waiting for the next payment (just kidding). He's fantastic. Organized and anal, just like I like it.

 If you are interested in what my dream kitchen looks like (and I don't expect you to!) check out the kitchen that is inspiring my vision. It's the first of the two kitchens in the article. We are breaking down walls and combining the space of my current kitchen and dining room into one large kitchen. You cannot even believe how excited I am. I'm serious when I tell you that I have been waiting for this moment for 20 years.

So what does that mean for Healthy Girl's Kitchen, the blog? Never one to waste an opportunity, I have some interesting things cooking up for us!

I may be quieter here than usual, but I plan on blogging for the next 14 weeks about the following:

(1) How to remain plant strong even when traditional cooking methods are not an option. Look for more raw recipes and crock pot cooking. No oven or range for a while. My Vitamix might be begging me for mercy. I'm actually kind of excited about the challenge. I can be funny like that. But it gives me something new to think about, and I like that.

(2) Healthy weight loss/maintenance--what's working, what's not working. Not from a recipe perspective but from a "what I'm doing now that's working" perspective.

(3) I'll be seeking out help from other bloggers. I will be doing a series of guest blog posts on the topic of All-time Favorite No-added Fat Plant-Strong Recipes (now isn't that a mouthful). If you are a blogger and you are reading this right now, I am asking you, no begging you, to be a contributor to this series. I NEED HELP! Please comment below or contact me at right now and let me know that you are interested. I'll be looking for one of your killer go-to recipes to feature here on HGK. If you don't have a blog but are inspired by my plight, please let me know. I would be thrilled to feature anyone's all time favs!

And after that, watch out! I will be so pent up with the need to cook that who knows what will happen.

Will you be a contributor to my All-time Favorite No-added Fat Plant-Strong Recipe series?

Is anyone interested in seeing before/during/after photos of our renovation? I wouldn't go overboard, just a little updating along the way. Believe me, this is not a kitchen renovation blog!


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