Tofu Express Review and Roasted Tofu Explanation

FULL DISCLOSURE:  I contacted TofuXpress and asked for a free gizmo to test and review. I have wanted one of these for a while. Not that I use tofu all of the time, but when I do, it really bugs me to waste all of those paper towels trying to press the water out.

Am I happy that I did that. This small piece of kitchen equipment solves not only the wasted paper towel problem, the amount of water that you can press out of the tofu is dramatically increased, greatly influencing the flavor of the final product. The more water out, the more marinade in!
These things are not cheap. But at $39.95 each, considering that they are a small, independent company designing and marketing them (as opposed to a company like Kitchen Aid or Cuisinart), I believe it's a fair price. You won't regret this purchase if you like properly prepared tofu.

Lately I've been into this Organic Sprouted Tofu from Trader Joe's. I have no idea if it's healthier than regular tofu, do you?
I press my firm or extra firm tofu, cut it into cubes, marinate it for a few hours or overnight and then bake it at 400 degrees for between 20 and 40 minutes.
Before baking.
After baking-the texture is perfect. Nothing like you would expect when you hear the word "tofu!" A little crunchy, a little chewy and full of flavor.

Want your own TofuXpress? click here.

What's your favorite way to prepare tofu? Have you gone from a tofu hater to a tofu connoisseur?


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