The Heart Attack Grill Diet

I want to thank every one who took the time to comment on my last post about The Pleasure Trap. Your comments REALLY help me to figure things out in my head. As much as I blog because I want to help other people find their way in this crazy mess of a food world, blogging helps me to stay the course, even though that course may be rocky from time to time. Being someone who is public about my struggle with food is one of the hardest things I have ever done. But it's also one of the most rewarding. I honestly do not know where I would be without HGK, because I would have no real accountability. With HGK, I am accountable to all of you, every day, and that is a very good thing for me.

This guy choose another path to go down with his food addictions. The nicest thing I can sayabout this video  is that at least he was honest.

Was. He's dead now, age 29. It's not funny anymore, is it?

The Heart Attack Grill. Is there really taste worth dying for? I kind of doubt it!

If you are here, reading HGK, you have made the decision to go somewhere very positive with your food choices. Give yourself credit! Be happy about it!

Had you heard of this restaurant called The Heart Attack Grill? What did you think when you first found out about it? 

Comments are very welcome. Please click on the title of this post (the orange text) to read or leave comments.


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