Netflix: An Insurance Policy?

My husband and I have been resisting signing up for Netflix for years. A combination of not enough time to watch movies and already paying for subscription movie channels, like HBO, with DIRECTV for movies we hardly ever watched made it seem really silly.

But then we got some technology sorted out in our house that made it possible for the WiFi signal to reach the room that our Wii is in (the playroom). And when my kids asked me over the weekend if they could sign up for Netflix I was like, "What the heck!"

You see, it's been gnawing at me for years that I have missed seeing many of the important movies about food that have been made in the past ten years. Food, Inc., Fast Food Nation, FoodMatters. Missed them all. Having young kids at home is not conducive to movie viewing in any way, shape or form. Unless you are comfortable paying $70 a pop for you and your beloved to go to the movies.

Why do I care so much? Because I consider time watching these movies to be time very well spent. An insurance policy against falling back into my old eating patterns if you will. Case in point: two nights ago Sophia (my 12 year old)  and I started watching FoodMatters. The movie has a big emphasis on the disease prevention qualities in raw vegetables and fruit. Mid-movie Sophia asked me, "Mom, is this real?"

To which I replied, "Yes, it is."

Next morning she grabbed an apple instead of a cereal bar. That night she asked me to make her a smoothie--with greens. When I thought that the smoothie that I made for us had too much of a green taste for her palate (in the past, she would have rejected it), imagine my surprise when she told me she loved it. And could I remember how I made it so that I could make it again for her?

I believe in the power of the mind. I believe that if we fill our brain with the right messages, making better food choices becomes so very much easier.

And who doesn't need a good kick-in-the-pants every now and then?

I certainly can use one. So my food movie dry spell is over!

Before getting NetFlix, I had seen Forks Over Knives, May I be Frank, Fat Sick and Nearly Dead, and Got the Facts on Milk. Check off  FoodMatters as of last night.

What movies have I missed? What movies have you seen that have had the largest impact on your eating choices? What changes did you make after seeing a particular movie?

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