Reader Advice Day: What to Make for Passover Seder?

I realize that very few of the HGK readership celebrates the Jewish holiday of Passover, so please bear with us on this one. In the last few days I have gotten so many requests from readers asking for no-oil Vegan recipes for Passover. This is very new territory folks, and we are the pioneers!

It's not that hard to find Vegan recipes for Passover on the Internet, but it is totally impossible to find no-oil Vegan recipes. Everything is going to have to be adapted, so I hope you guys all have your thinking caps on. I am asking everyone who is Jewish to chime in here with ideas and suggestions for how you are going to prepare your Passover Seder food this year.

The Passover rules are as follows: In addition to avoiding leavened bread, Jews are also supposed to avoid foods made with wheat, barley, rye, spelt or oats - unless those foods are labeled "kosher for Passover." All five of these forbidden grains are collectively called "chametz." (Pronounced ha-mets.) By the way, did you notice how much whole wheat Matzoh is on the shelves at Whole Foods?

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