Juice Cleanse, Day 1-5, Why the Heck am I Doing This?

Thank you to everyone who contributed to my last post asking for advice on juice cleansing. Your input gave me the push to just get started, so I'm thrilled to report that as I write this, I am on day 5 of my cleanse. It started with two days of partial juicing and partial regular Nutritarian eating, then transitioned to juicing with additional drinking of hot water with lemon (how did I not know before now how good this is?), tea, veggie broths, filtered water and coconut water.

Needless to say, I'm peeing a lot.

For my first post about this experience, I really want to get behind the reasons that I am doing this, especially since I had been wanting to embark on a cleanse for about a year, but hadn't done it until now.

It all started, of course, upon viewing the movie Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead exactly one year ago. At the time, I didn't have a health condition that required anything as seemingly drastic as juice cleansing, or "rebooting" as Joe Cross calls it. Regardless, the concept of rebooting my system seemed interesting to me.

So I saved up and purchased a pretty fancy juicer. A Champion, to be exact, professional model. I thought for sure I would do a juice cleanse pretty soon.

But it never happened. I made a few interesting juices, but the beast just sat on my counter for eight months, collecting dust. I just didn't have the motivation. The perceived inconvenience, expense, necessary will power and commitment that were required to do a juice cleanse outweighed any perceived benefit that I believed I would get from a fast. Forget that I would have to go off of my beloved coffee, that was just too much for me to bear!

But lately I hadn't been feeling my best. My energy level was not been as high as I had experienced when first becoming a Nutritarian. I mostly chalked this up to life and it's pressures, trying to be a good mother, wife, business owner, blogger, etc., etc. I started turning to caffeine to get through just about every day. I have been drinking coffee in the morning every day for about 23 years. But never in the afternoon until recently.

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