Veggie Burger University and Rainbow Burgers Recipe

You may have noticed that I have been quieter than usual around the blogosphere. I'm so sorry if I caused anyone any concern! Everything is fine. I've been busy with all the usual stuff--kids, work, family obligations and catching up on some well needed R&R. And although my preoccupation with other things is likely to last throughout this very hot summer, rest assurred I am still the same Healthy Girl!

Plus, I did not want to write about anything else until I gave you all the recap on our fantastic Fourth of July Veggie Burger tasting party. It was like I had enrolled myself in Veggie Burger University in a self-study course on how to make the perfect veggie burger. And my final exam was hosting twenty adults who all enjoyed the fruits of my labor. 

The night before the party I stayed up kinda late (for me) and prepared four of the burgers, but didn't bake them. The last of the burgers had to wait for the next day because I forgot one of the cans of artichoke hearts! I baked everything off (which turned out beautifully--all of the burgers had a nice crispy exterior) and didn't even attempt to put any of these babies on a grill. I had visions of veggie burgers crumbling and falling through the grates. Nothing I wanted to risk on the big day!
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