Where I'm at with a Plant Based Diet--the Good, the Bad and the Ugly

It's been about three years since I first read Dr. Fuhrman's book Eat to Live. Approximately six months after that, I began blogging about weight loss, weight loss maintenance, emotional eating, and recipes. I was a member of Weight Watchers at the time, and, believe it or not, Healthy Girl's Kitchen wasn't an oil-free, 100% plant-based blog when I started. As time went by and my learning process continued (reading Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and The Engine 2 Diet) I was no longer interested in cooking with oil, nor in food that had a mother or a face.

But my road to peace with food is an extremely bumpy one, not without continuing trials and tribulations to this day. And in the last few weeks I have received two letters that have left me with the feeling that I really need to talk about that more. It seems that there is an impression that I have found ultimate success with this and that my struggle with food and my weight is over.

Well, it's not.

In the words of Ricky Ricardo, I think I have a lot of splainin' to do.

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