Reader Advice Day: A Newbie Takes the Next Steps

Good Morning everybody! It's turning into a very busy week for me with not a lot of time for blogging, but this post has been on my mind for a few weeks and I just need to get it out there.

I was contacted a few weeks ago by a person who has become newly interested in a plant-strong lifestyle. Instead of just answering his question myself, I wanted to get it out there to the community to see what y'all are thinking, so once again, it's reader advice day. Here's his e-mail to me with his question:

"Hi there, I came across your blog during a search for nutritarian blogs. Thank you for what you do!--- recipes, inspiration, beautiful photos!

I am about 1 month new to the plant-strong lifestyle, so I have a lot of research and testing/cooking to do. I was wondering if you had any advice for newbies. Where should I begin? What I have done so far is drink a green smoothie every morning, lower my intake of animal products, cut out processed foods, sugar, and caffeine, and choose the most vegetables possible in my meals. I am ready for the next challenge, but sure which way to go. I cook for my family- a two year old and my wife, both of whom are great sports but not totally sold on a transformation. Do you have recommended reading? Recommended steps to take? Recommended cookbooks (besides your own fantastic recipes!)?

Thanks so much for any direction. I have posted some of my progress on my blog ("

My advice? Start reading more books. I have found that no one book covers everything and that the more that I read, the more I become "brain-washed," so-to-speak, for the better. Here's my list of must read books:

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