Some Brilliant Guy's Review of Salt, Sugar, Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us

So I am literally obsessed with the book that I am reading right now, The End of Overeating by Dr. David A. Kessler. I'm going to be talking about this book and referring to the nuggets that I got out of it forevermore, so be prepared. If you haven't read this book, I really have no idea what is holding you back, other than you have never heard anyone rave about it.

But there's this other book that just came out last month, called Salt, Sugar, Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us by Michael Moss, and it's totally on my radar now as a book that I am jonesing to read. It's not my usual fare though, because it's not a cookbook or a book about how to overcome emotional eating. It's a book about industry and politics and other stuff. The kind of stuff I used to read about in college that drove me to become radically liberal (that was 20 years and a lot of life times ago).

Anyway, my buddy Chris-Anna and I were looking at the book on Amazon (don't kill me, I do love my Amazon, thank you Jeff Bezos) and I came upon the first review of the book. And it blew my mind, so I wanted to publish it here and share it with you.

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