Sharing our Stories

We see it all around us – breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer, skin cancer… The list goes on. Cancer devastates families and communities across our country. In 2008, there were approximately 12 million Americans living with a history of cancer – either living with cancer or having become cancer free. In 2012, it was expected that 1.6 million Americans would be diagnosed with cancer.
Education on cancer, prevention, and early detection is critical. And so is celebrating the successes and victories of individuals, their families, and their medical teams as they beat cancer and go on to live healthy and wholehearted lives. Recently The New York Times created a photo board of people who share insights from their lives after cancer.
The New York Times asks: How did your life change after cancer?
Click on an image in the gallery and that person’s story will appear.
Here is one such story – an inspiring message from Ilene! (Click on the image below to make it bigger.)
If you’re interested in sharing your own story, click here to upload a photo and tell the world about how your life is different after cancer.


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