How Chef Aj Lost Over 30 Pounds Since the Last Time She Visited and Giveaway!

I'm bone tired this morning but somehow I have no taste for my usual morning cup of coffee. I just came off three days of cooking with, eating with and best of all talking with and learning from my buddy Chef Aj. If you are not familiar with Chef Aj, she is a Los Angeles based Vegan chef, culinary instructor, author, speaker, and comedian. Her book Unprocessed has the tastiest plant-based recipes on the planet. Check out a few recipes here, here and here.

For the past five years, she has run a successful lifestyle program called The Unprocessed 30-day Challenge with celebrity fitness and Vegan nutritional guru John Peirre. During the challenge the participants follow a whole food, plant-based diet free of processed food in general and all sugar, oil and salt (aka SOS Free).

This past Saturday Chef Aj was speaking at Cleveland's VegFest. We arranged in advance for her to stay at my house and host a cooking demo the following day. No one in their right mind would turn down that offer!

When I saw Aj for the first time this weekend I was totally astonished at her transformation. The first time she came to visit was a year and a half ago, and while she wasn't thin, I'd say she was at a normal weight, eating a healthy plant-based diet. But today, she's a skinny bitch.

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