Review of Whole by T. Colin Campbell. Petition on Win a copy of Whole.

A few weeks ago I was sent a copy of T. Colin Campbell's new book Whole by BenBella, the publisher, to review and host a blog giveaway.

I finished up the book a few moments ago and my head is racing. There are so many things to write about! Plus, I AM SO ANGRY I don't even know where to begin. But begin I must.

Whole is not an easy book to read or digest. I consider myself to be of decent intelligence and there were many chapters that I could not get through. But I skipped those and I pressed on, and it was totally worth it. I feel far more educated about the system of health research, medicine, pharmaceuticals, disease societies (think the American Cancer Society), the media and big food and how they are all interconnected--and not for our benefit.

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