Kinfolk Magazine Workshop. Thanks for including BeeHappy honey.

Photo and words by

"On an unseasonably warm evening in the hills of upper Ojai, an intimate group of folks from all different walks of life gathered to enjoy good company, good food, and have a go at arranging flowers. We each brought a handful of flowers to add to the mix, while Jodi gave us a lesson chalk full of tips and tricks of the trade on how best to arrange the blossoms. We sipped Rhubarb Tea, noshed on an array of cheeses and Seville Orange marmalade, all before sitting down for an equally delicious dinner. It was the type of evening that gets you out of your comfort zone – where you meet others you most likely never would have otherwise. Yet, if you lived in the same town you’d instantly be good friends. Sling Shots & Flower Bombs, honey & infinity scarfs were just a few of the treats that filled our arms upon departure. It proved to be an evening to reconnect with nature, reconnect with ourselves and (re)connect with others."


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