Fast, Easy, Versatile Marinated Kale Salad Technique

I've been so busy these past few days preparing for the Jewish New Year celebration that is about to begin. Double batches of Vegan casseroles like this take on Lebanese Kibbie along with the uber traditional Carrot and Sweet Potato Tzimmes (Jewish or not, you've got to give that one a try--it's ah-ma-zing!) are filling up all of my available refrigerator space. Just omit the oil from those recipes and you are good to go.

But before I sign off of the Internet for the next few days, I want to mention something that I tried for the first time a few weeks ago. It was inspired by a Vegan cookbook author and blogger named Allyson Kramer.

She had me at figs.

You see, I had a bunch of very ripe figs on my counter that morning and while I could have just munched on each sweet, perfect fig as the day passed, I saw this salad. And I knew I had to make it for lunch that day.

So I did.

But what happened was more than just fig magic.

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