Reader Advice Day, Again! This Time, What Plant-strong Food to Make When Omnivore Company is Coming For Dinner

I just happened to get a few more great questions this weekend that I want to get everyone's opinion on, so here goes . . .

"Hi Wendy,

I enjoy your blog and have learned much about plant based recipes and eating this way from your posts. When I read your dieting history it was like a page out of my own story book!

Last March my husband and I moved to a more whole foods plant based diet with an occasional fish meal for me and he still enjoys some fish or chicken when dining out. Dr Fuhrman calls this being a flexitarian - and we limit the occasional non whole food plant based foods (like fish) to less than 10% of our daily calories and it works for us. I have cholesterol issues due to genetics and he has a family history of cancer and kidney disease (although he is very healthy), so we are motivated to eat healthy.

Here is my dilemma, my parents are coming to visit for three weeks – they eat a Weight Watchers version of a Midwestern SAD diet so their taste buds are used to the added salt, oil and sugar so even though we think the food we are eating is fabulous, it might not appeal to their sense of taste. I don’t expect them to eat vegan while they are here and I don’t mind cooking some animal products for them and then having side dishes that we can all enjoy and they can add salt at the table if they wish. My dad is diabetic so our way of eating would actually be very good for him!
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