A Tale of Chicken Rescue, Told in Six Parts - From Humane Society

Part 1: Ever Wonder What It's Like to Live with Chickens?

Marilee Geyer knows. She has a flock of more than fifty rescued chickens in California.

Marilee sees birds as charismatic individuals who each have their own personalities—and she welcomes them as part of the family.

"My mom was a kind, compassionate woman who taught me to care for and respect animals. She brought home every stray she came across, and so my family included a large number of companion animals."

Marilee came to view chickens differently after working in an animal shelter and doing rescue work.

"Working at an animal shelter gave me an opportunity to get to know an even wider variety of animals (sadly, just about every kind of animal you can think of ends up in a shelter sooner or later) and that's when I really got to find out what chickens were all about. I was charmed: chickens are highly social, friendly, smart," Marilee says.

But what really made an impact, in Marilee's case, was one particular little white hen named Willy.


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