Vegan Spinach Zucchini Soup and Puffed Corn Calorie Controversy

This is Baby Kitty. We got her last summer at the North Union Farmer's Market.  She's a wild and lovable lap kitten. Don't worry, we washed the soup pot before making this:

Healthy Girl's Best Friend Soup
In my opinion, there is just no easier way to lose weight than by adding low calorie, high nutrient, soups to your daily diet. Here's the recipe for one of my favorites.  2 cups=1 Weight Watcher point

1 large onion, peeled and diced
6 cups vegetable broth
6 regular sized zucchini, diced large
1 tsp salt
1 Tbsp seasoning blend of your choice
8 ounces frozen spinach
1 box frozen winter/butternut squash
1 cup unsweetened almond milk 

Heat soup pot on medium. Pour in a few tablespoons of vegetable broth. When the broth is bubbling, add onions and saute them until translucent. Adjust temperature on pot to prevent onions from burning.

Add the remaining vegetable broth and all of the zucchini  to the pot. Add 1 tsp salt and 1 Tbsp seasoning blend of your choice.  Bring soup to a boil. Once boiling, turn heat to low and simmer until zucchini are cooked through and soft.  Add frozen spinach and stir. Using a hand/immersion blender, puree soup.

Add frozen butternut squash and stir until squash is defrosted. Add almond milk and stir. Taste soup and adjust seasoning if necessary.

A bowl of vegan yumminess!

Ever wonder if the calorie count on a particular package is correct? Yesterday I ran into Holly, one of my Pilates buddies, at the Farmer's Market. She and her friend were excited about a product that was being sold by one of the Amish vendors. It was a pretty sizable package of Honey Puffed Corn and the label said that 1 bag is 25 calories. Imagine my excitement as I tasted some and it was crunchy, lightly sweet and really delicious.
Then I got to thinking, can this big bag of deliciousness really be only 25 calories? I hunted down the vendor and started asking questions, but all I got was a "Yes, it's 25 calories." I asked how that could be, if the other packages of puffed spelt and other puffed stuff had a lot more calories for the same volume.
So I went an little further in my exploration and found unsweetened puffed corn in the supermarket. Imagine my surprise when I saw the nutritional label. One cup is 60 calories! But the bag of Honey Puffed Corn from the Amish vendor had about 4 cups in it and it is sweetened, so how could it be only 25 calories? It's likely that the label is incorrect and the package probably contains over 240 calories of puffed corn.  
That's a serious calorie difference. Too bad, I though I had found the most perfect TV watching munchie food!


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